Posts Tagged ‘StudioAmy’



2012 was one of the warmest years in history. What added to the heat was this picture taken next to the 1986 Corvette convertible…

The Celebrity Look

Sometimes the a well lit room at the right time of day make for the perfect set. No special lighting here, no strobes, stands, backdrops or  cables to trip over…
The sun coming through the window created a beautiful backlight effect, so Steve set the camera on spot meter and took a light reading just of my face…

A simple nice pose I like a lot.

Just looking out the window

Sometimes the living room window and love seat make for the perfect set. No special lighting here, no strobes, stands, backdrops or  cables to trip over…
The sun coming through the window created too much contrast so Steve put his portable reflector over it to diffuse the light.  Only a few comic book long box covers are to the right reflecting some light back.

A simple nice pose I like a lot.

Amy leaning on the 1972 Stingray. Photo Steve Woron

Love that crooked smile that I caught in this candid between takes. Many times I ask her to do things that she doesn’t like and she makes great facial expressions. Most of the time I miss the shot, but this day I got lucky.

Cute photo Steve Woron 9/22/10

Shooting into a background of glowing foliage is quite a challenge usually making the subject a silhouette. Most models also don’t like being photographed from behind because they don’t know what the camera is “seeing”. With Amy, rest assured, everything is OK.

Amy's Daisy Dukes, 9/2010 by Steve Woron

Amy's Daisy Dukes, 9/2010 photo by Steve Woron

Here’s Amy with her “Daisy Duke” shorts. It’s amazing how a well fitted pair of shorts can really show off those beautiful legs. Of course a great leg shot is only as good as the pose. The Corvette prop always a nice element of sportiness as well as class. Let us know if you’d like to see more from this shoot…

Amy in the 1972 Stingray Photo: Steve Woron

Sorry we’ve been away but summer seemed to zoom by and the warm days are slowing dwindling. We managed to get outside and dust off the 72 Stingray for a few shots.
I took about 70 shots only for my X-D card to fail. These shots were taken later on a different card.


Pocono Summer 2010

This is a cute one taken while on vacation in the Poconos in PA. Amy knew I wasn’t to let her go without taking a pic of this outfit…! Most of the time the weather was overcast not making for good modeling weather but somehow we managed…

Big Smile in Wet Red Beach Top

Big Smile in Wet Red Beach Top

This one was taken on the same foggy day as the “Pose Me No” post. The fog was so thick Steve needed to be very close to get a good shot.

Hooters n Hot Legs

Steve’s Pick

Steve recently told me that this is one of his favorite pictures of my face. Actually,what he said was, it is one of the best shots of my face. So here I am posting this 4th picture from the Hooter’s photo shoot. Personally, I think he likes this one because of the lock of hair falling into the shirt and between my hooters.